If you’re selling for sale by owner (FSBO) in New York, a flat fee MLS listing service can get your home on the MLS for a one-time fee starting around $100. You’ll get the same basic visibility as you would selling with a realtor, without having to pay a 4–6% commission to a listing agent. The downside is that you have to do most of the work yourself — which is often a lot more than first-time FSBO sellers realize. FSBO homes also sell for an average of 6% less than comparable homes sold with an agent. So you need to weigh the commission savings against the potential profit loss — especially since you still need to pay a buyer’s agent if your buyer uses a realtor.
Alternatively, List 4 Less Realty provides an unbeatable combination of max savings, 5-star customer support, and cutting-edge technology all in the pursuit of selling your Home for maximum value.